MTS Families
Reminder permission slips are due tomorrow Tuesday October 1st.
15 days ago, Muckleshoot Tribal School
MTS Families
15 days ago, Muckleshoot Tribal School
Dear Muckleshoot Tribal School Parents/Guardians,
Earlier today the Muckleshoot Tribal School Administration was advised of a student threat to the school. We followed our protocols and Law Enforcement was immediately contacted. The officers were on site to evaluate along with MTS School Administration. After an investigation it was determined a lock down was not required as the threat was not believed to be credible.
We are closely monitoring the situation. It is important to note that at no time were students in danger.
Please talk with your student regarding the importance of letting MTS School Administration know about any reports of threats to student safety.
Thank you for your continued cooperation so we can provide a safe, secure and positive learning environment for our students.
MTS Commission Meeting
September 4th, 2024
3:00pm - 5:00pm
Zoom link in flyer
about 1 month ago, Muckleshoot Tribal School
Welcome Back MTS Families
Please see our first newsletter for the 2024-2025 school year!
Can't wait to see you all at school!